Sometimes in the middle of a dowie routine, when we wake up to see the regular sun and one more passing day and get on with life without too many expectations & surprises, something happens. We go to the same place we have been before, see the same things and meet the same people, and then comes the moment when we bump into someone somewhere and realise that this is what we have been seeking for so long. It’s impossible to believe how we were oblivious to its existence and now, we can’t imagine our lives without it.

‘Camfee’ my small half camel half coffee coloured backpack found me at a Westside store some 4 years ago. I entered the store and I saw him staring straight into my eyes telling me to take him home with his rustic brown zippy eyes. My friend warned me against its biggest flaw i.e. it did not have a zip on his shoulder (pun intended) and hence it wasn’t entirely safe to carry important stuff in it. But ain’t the most wonderful things in the world the most imperfect ?

It’s been 4.5 years since I brought him home and it surely passed the litmus test in its first trip that was Europe by bringing my belongings along with a belly full of memories safely inside its tiny looking structure.

Thanks honey for never saying no to anything be it an early morning picnic, a late night hike in the hills, long walks in crowded streets or a sandy stroll on the lonely beaches of Goa, you have had my back – figuratively and literally.

I love you from front to back.

Your Piggyback Rider

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