On a blazing Sunday afternoon, exactly one week before Diwali (ironic as October generally gets cool in India), one would generally choose to sleep, eat or watch cricket at home. Midst these comforting and pretty thoughts, there is a tiny voice inside which asks ‘Are you going to waste the only Sunday you get, sitting …
Ethos Watches – Jaipur Sees A New Luxury Of Time
Ethos – A brand who is here for 14 years in India now, which means it started back in 2003 when India officially allowed watches to be imported, has become the largest luxury watch retailer in India with all leading brands under its umbrella !! Ethos has seen success as swiftly as people shifting from …
India Couture Week 2017 – A One Stop Dream Destination for a Quintessential Bride
“Dear Bride This is the day when the thousands of fluttering butterflies in your stomach will finally fly away, when you will see the sun shine brighter, laughs get louder and the clouds seem dearer, this is the moment when you will walk down the aisle and the glow of your face will fill the …