Showing: 31 - 40 of 56 RESULTS

A Fallen Dream

Under the starry sky He sips a cup of chai Fighting to protect a mother While the other yearns for his one sight In his deep slumber Her eyes shine so bright Her laughter fills the air Her hair clouds the night Not the chirping birds Nor the aroma of coffee His alarm is the sound …

The Un-beachy Side of Goa

Born and brought up eating, drinking and living Bollywood, almost 50-60% of the places I dream of visiting have their roots lying in some dreamy or crazy images in my head created by my favorite Hindi movies. While a few are off the checklist and too many of them are still on it, one of …

En route to the apple of Kerala’s eye – Munnar

Monsoon in Kerala had finally begun and all the newspapers were flooded with news about monsoon conditions there ! While the entire country celebrates, this surely becomes a subject of worry for the tourists who are all set to visit the state and are already dreaming about strolling in the perfect weather. And then enters …

For the First Time

The day of the month or first ray of sun When a new born cries bringing tear to the eye Eroded by the first raindrop dripping from sky The first time someone cocooned you in arms Remember the clenched fist when that plane first took off? That trip to the classroom all by yourself A …

Inside The Secret World Of A Book Lover

  The moon was dangling bright outside Falling from an angel’s ear As sky went dark and stars multiplied She flipped one more page in drowning fear Will she survive the bullet attack? Will he make it to his dream pyramid? The lamp light flickers and clock ticks Becoming the only calm in that night …

The One With The Birds’ Morning Routine

While most of us are are quite grumpy when we wake up, and all we want to do is spend sometime alone and then perhaps motivate ourselves to talk to other human beings, these little birds are quite the opposite. Unlike the lazy humans (includes people like me largely), they wake up with high zest …