At the bustling heart of Rajasthan’s capital – lies Sujan Rajmahal Palace : a royal haven cocooned like an oasis in the desert. Conceived by H.H. Sawai Jai Singh II as a private palace, garden retreat built for his beloved wife, Rajmahal Palace has stood as a priceless gem to Jaipur’s history & architecture for …
Restaurant Review : Handi Vaishali Jaipur – The Unconquered King of Rajasthani, Tandoori & Non-Vegetarian Food
A time when there is a new cafe popping up and distracting us with their newfangled vibes and delish food every single day, there are some places which have stood in the race of time like rock pillars, totally unperturbed by changing times, holding their ground with evergreen cuisines, taste and quality. One such example …
A Quick ‘Mix n Match’ Tip for Indian Wedding Fashion
There is so much hoopla around weddings these days ! Pre-wedding shoots, honeymoon shoots, wedding photography etc, but the truth is that it’s all so lovable and exciting when you get to play with all the accessories out there and dress the way you want with a whole lot of audience 😉 For any day …