At the bustling heart of Rajasthan’s capital – lies Sujan Rajmahal Palace : a royal haven cocooned like an oasis in the desert. Conceived by H.H. Sawai Jai Singh II as a private palace, garden retreat built for his beloved wife, Rajmahal Palace has stood as a priceless gem to Jaipur’s history & architecture for over 250 years. Pertaining to its grandeur and luxury, its supreme hospitality is no surprise.
To add a feather in its cap, Rajmahal Palace has now rebranded its Caffe Panchrang and changed its to name to The Rajmahal Cafe.
Panchrang referred to the five colours of the royal family of Rajasthan, and the flashes of these can be seen in the elegant ambiance with five coloured cushions and the dress code of their stewardesses. The Rajmahal Cafe has done a major overhaul in its menu by adding an Italian flair to the dishes with flavours of France, Spain and Rajasthan.
The highlights are the Roasted Garlic Pizza, Lasagne Cavatini, Glutton free sliders, BURRATA (the best thing to try here) and the Panchrang Macaroons.
All the delicacies use the Gourmet Italian Cheeses and the best way to have them is to pair them with your favourite kind of wine.