Why do we Indians love Diwali so much ? Because of the lighting ? Decorations ? Mithayiya or the 10,000 ladiya ?

Or is it the sudden nip and smell in the air that begins to feel sweeter and happier giving us hope for another beginning at this time of the year that will shower us with better times to come. Well it’s all of the above yet none of it.

When all these sparkling layers of celebrations & glitz come off, the festival comes down to just one thing – our people. The ones we have grown up with aka the family we are blessed with, some who we recently met and are still on the path of getting closer, some who stay in our memories & shine a little brighter during this time like those freshly lit diyas and others who happen to be those friends who we once used to see every single day but now, we wait for Diwali to see them as there are no cancellations or delays here because, Diwali is all about home coming.

Imagine sitting far away from home in a hostel or your own apartment’s room surrounded by the beautiful fairy light lamps drawing a rangoli while your food delivery is on its way, would it be the same if your room mate isn’t on around to make you feel at home ? Perhaps not.

Lighting, crackers, decorations, shopping, cleaning… everything makes sense when in our heads, there is at least one face to attach each one of those activities to, and that is what makes this festival acquire such a special corner of the hearts and lives of every Indian.

This time around, take time out for all those people who have been with you through your thick and thin and shower them with all your love and affection to truly immerse in the spirit of Diwali 🙂

Happy Diwali to all.

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